From little Gstaad...

Once a month, we organise an Impact Lunch in Saanenland, where we discuss sustainability news and exchange ideas in a relaxed atmosphere over a casual lunch. Depending on the main topic, a guest is invited to give an insight and food for thought in a keynote speech.

Next Impact Lunch

Date: Thursday, 26 September 2024
Time: 12:00h - 13:30h
Location: Alpenruhe Foundation, Saanen (Google Maps)
Input Speech: Christoph Lindlein, Chief Marketing Officer myStromer AG

Lunch Menu: Homemade vegetable lasagna with salad (CHF 18)

Input Speech

Christoph Lindlein
Chief Marketing Officer myStromer AG

Key points about the Impact Lunchs

The Impact Lunches are open to everyone.
The Impact Lunches take place on the third Thursday of each month in a restaurant in Saanenland.
The cost of lunch is borne by the participants themselves.
Pre-registration is required (register using the form below).
The registration deadline is always the day before at 12:00 noon.

What is Impact Gstaad?

First Impact Circle Event

at The Alpina Gstaad

A giant local

domino effect


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