Let's create an impact

The three pillars of Impact Gstaad

Impact Projects

Gstaad Projects
The Impact Gstaad Association initiates, accompanies and supports sustainability projects of local companies.

Flagship Projects
The Impact Gstaad Association initiates, develops and implements its own sustainability projects and documents them on the Impact Platform.

Impact Investing

Curated local and international sustainability visionaries present their projects to potential investors, the so-called Impact Circle Members, at three Impact Investing events per year.

Impact Platform

All local, international and own flagship projects are presented and accompanied on impactgstaad.ch.

This is why Impact Gstaad is urgently needed

This is how Impact Gstaad is organised

Impact Gstaad Association

The Impact Gstaad Association manages and organises the Impact Platform, the Impact Circle and all the events.

Impact Advisory Board

Ideally composed, accompanying body with main focus on credibility and networking.

Impact Circle

Circle of people and companies who network together and act or trigger action within the framework of Impact Gstaad.


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