Impact Gstaad launches the topic "energy transition"

The future is "carbon negative"

In the afternoon of Impact Day, Impact Gstaad then launched the focus topic "Energy Transition". In the coming months, Impact Gstaad will focus particularly intensively on projects that aim to make the energy sector more sustainable. The current events in Ukraine and Russia clearly show us how dependent the West is on fossil fuels. At the same time, we are seeing headlines about an impending water shortage in northern Italy, and in Switzerland, too, one temperature record follows the next. It is obvious that especially in the energy sector alternative and sustainable solutions are urgently needed if the impending catastrophe is to be averted.

The variety of possible solutions became clear at the Impact Day, when sustainability visionaries, pioneers and experts presented their solutions in various input sessions and discussed with the participants the most promising strategies on the way to a low-carbon future. Special emphasis was placed on projects that aim to reduce or remove carbon. Max Zeller, co-founder of Carbon Removal Partners and a new member of the Impact Board, is also concerned with this topic. "The goal must be to be able to grant future generations the same freedoms that previous generations had," Zeller says. "Climate protection is an issue that affects us all and should unite humanity behind an important goal."

Actions instead of words

Trailer Impact Day 24th June 22

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