Impact Gstaad Association

Impact Gstaad prepares for the future

For more than two years now, Impact Gstaad has been bringing locals and guests together with sustainability visionaries under the motto "From little Gstaad to the big world" and contributing to the sustainable and successful development of the destination of Gstaad with its own projects. Before the fourth Impact Circle Event takes place at the end of June, the SolSarine solar project and the Young Impact education project were recently launched as two pioneering projects of their own. In order to do justice to these increasingly complex organizational and content-related topics, Impact Gstaad is structurally repositioning itself on a broader basis.

Impact Gstaad gets new board

The Impact Gstaad Association, founded under the presidency of Andreas Wandfluh, will be reorganized and the association's board will be reconstituted. The current board members Andreas Wandfluh, Manuel Blanco and Michel Hediger will take on new roles within the organization. Only Chantal Reichenbach will continue to sit on the board. Andreas Wandfluh will focus on managing the operational activities in the future (developing the Impact Gstaad ecosystem and building the Impact Circle), while Michel Hediger will take over Events & Projects. Manuel Blanco will head the new service company Impact Gstaad AG (see below). Nik Thomi will continue to be responsible for Content & Communication.

A newly elected board consisting of eight members will in future chair Impact Gstaad, divided into various departments.

  • Manuel Linder, Presidency
    Manuel Linder, the former curator of Impact Circle Events, will be responsible for the leadership and coordination of the board and the operational activities as president of the Impact Gstaad Association in the future, as well as supporting the development of the Impact Gstaad ecosystem.

  • Elisa Oppermann, Impact Circle
    Elisa Oppermann grew up in Saanen and maintains good connections with the educational institutions Le Rosey and John F. Kennedy International School. On the board of Impact Gstaad she accompanies the development of the Impact Circle.

  • Chantal Reichenbach, Events
    Born in Lauen, Chantal Reichenbach was one of the founding members of Impact Gstaad. She works as a videographer in the communication agency Up to you in Western Switzerland and will support Impact Gstaad in event planning and implementation.

  • Linda Bach, Projects
    Growing up in a farming family in Feutersoey, Linda Bach is actively involved in the expansion of renewable energies for IWB (Industrielle Werke Basel) with her local as well as international work experience. As an expert in decarbonization of energy supply, she will assist Impact Gstaad in the development and implementation of concrete projects.

  • David Perreten, Local Stakeholder Management
    David Perreten, an organic farmer from Gstaad, is president of the Saanenland Agricultural Association and will support Impact Gstaad especially in the exchange with local stakeholders.

  • Livia Michel, Legal/Business
    Livia Michel works as a lawyer in the business law firm Kellerhals Carrard and grew up in Gstaad. She advises Impact Gstaad in legal matters and reviews partner activities for value conformity and compliance with the framework.

  • Anita Raaflaub, Communication
    The PR, marketing and communication expert Anita Raaflaub was born in Saanenland and has more than 20 years of experience in the media and tourism industry. She is currently working as Head of Communications Sustainability at Swisscom and will support Impact Gstaad in all communicative matters.

  • Ana de Moura, Finance Chair
    Ana de Moura from Gstaad works as a certified auditor at T&R Oberland AG in Saanen. As a financial expert, she will review the financial accounting for Impact Gstaad, is responsible for auditing the finances and will advise the organization in financial matters.

Foundation of a service company

In the course of professionalizing and unbundling the organizational structures, Impact Gstaad AG was founded in addition to the Impact Gstaad Association. This service company enables Impact Gstaad to initiate and implement major projects such as the solar project SolSarine. The Board of Directors consisting of Manuel Blanco (Chairman), Lorenz Furrer (Deputy Chairman), Urs Zeltner (Delegate of the Board of Directors), Gary Fegel and Andrea Scherz is responsible for Impact Gstaad AG. The newly elected Board of Directors accompanies the projects of Impact Gstaad AG and thus ensures a smooth cooperation between the association and the AG as well as the conformity of the activities with the common vision of a sustainably successful mountain region with global impact.

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