Impact Advisory Board Member Prof. Dr. Reto Knutti
Climate expert at ETH Zurich
"On the climate issue, we humans are standing in our own way".
More than 300 interview requests reached him in the year before Corona, says Reto Knutti, Switzerland's best-known climate researcher. After that, the pandemic replaced global warming as the top topic. Knutti tirelessly shows how climatic changes are affecting our world and society. In doing so, he paints a gloomy picture, only to immediately emphasise the progress humanity has made on the climate issue. Knutti is a realist - but above all he is an optimist. The beginnings are there, he says. The innovations give cause for hope. And so does the change in people's thinking. "Of course it's sometimes frustrating," says the native of Saanenland, "when you consider that we've known for about 30 years what we're heading towards and yet we don't react. But you have to grow a thick skin and take one step at a time. "The signs, especially from the people around Impact Advisory Gstaad, make me feel very positive in any case.
Impact Advisory Board
Get to know the Impact Advisory Board Members of Impact Gstaad.
The Impact Advisory Board is an ideally composed, accompanying committee focusing mainly on credibility and networking. The Impact Advisory Board members are characterized by a high moral and ethical integrity and have already made a public appearance in the past through their activities in connection with sustainable projects.